ICF/IID regulations were originally enacted to raise the level of care provided to individuals with developmental disabilities who resided in state operated facilities. ComServ, Inc. has provided ICF/IID services since May 1991. ICF/IID services are located in the following counties; Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and McDowell. There is a total of eight ICF/IID residential settings. Each residential setting can accommodate six individuals and has two and half bathrooms, kitchen and dining area and living room area. All adults, who are not retired, attend a day program Monday through Friday. Children attend school Monday through Friday during the school year.
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) focuses on supporting individuals in the management of his/her life with as much selfdetermination and independence as possible. ICF’s/IID are designed to be the highest level of intervention and supports funded by the Federal Government for persons with developmental disabilities. ICF/IID is a service that was authorized in 1971 by Congress as part of the state plan under Medicaid. ICF/IID is designed to provide the following:
- an environment involving continuous active treatment,
- 24/7/365 supervision,
- assistance and training in the areas of self-help, social, community living, independent living, communication, money management and vocational skills.
- on-call staffing to respond to emergencies.
The overall objective of the program is to assist individuals to attain or maintain the optimal level of physical, intellectual, social or vocational functioning of which he or she is presently capable.
We strive to provide to each individual receiving residential services with:
- Meaningful day opportunities, and support of participation in activities and functions of community life, that are desired and chosen by the general population including:
- Purposeful and meaningful work
- Substantial and sustained opportunities for optimal health, self-empowerment and personalized relationships
- Skill development and/or maintenance
- Social, educational and community inclusion activities that are directly linked to the vision, goals and desired personal outcomes documented in the person’s Individual Support Plan (ISP) or Person Centered Plan (PCP).
- A safe, clean, comfortable, barrier free and well-maintained home environment.
- Individual and/or group training designed to assist in the development of attitudes and skills that support independence and success for the people we serve.
- Caring, dependable, and skilled staff that provides support and assistance that respects the individual’s dignity and rights.
- Comprehensive documentation and ongoing assessment of needs and services in order to ensure the individual’s development, satisfaction, and success towards achievement of ISP/PCP goals.
Supported Living services coordinated by ComServ include:
- Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF/IDD)
- Group Living
- Supervised Living
- Family Living (Alternative Family Living)
Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF/IDD)
Available in Caldwell, Burke, Alexander and McDowell Counties.
ICF-IDD homes offer intensive 24-hour staffing to meet the needs of the residents. An interdisciplinary team determines the nature of services required by each resident based on his/her desires, goals and needs. Assistance and training is provided in the areas of self-help, social, community living, independent living, speech/language, physical therapy, recreation and vocational skills. The ICF/IDD homes are located in Caldwell, Burke, Alexander and McDowell counties. ICF/IDD services are completely funded through Medicaid.
Group Living
Available in Burke and Cleveland Counties.
Group Living homes provide 24-hour support and supervision in a home environment to adults 21 years of age and older. This living arrangement allows individuals the opportunity to participate in community activities, engage in social interactions as well as benefit from treatment/habilitation services. Room and board is paid by a combination of the resident’s Social Security income (SSI), a Medicaid service called Special Assistance and State (IPRS) funding. ComServ currently supports two (2) Group Living homes located in Cleveland County.
LaDell Lane in Shelby, N.C.is a comfortable and well-maintained ranch home was specifically designed to meet the needs of its residents. The residents who live there receive 24-hour staff supports with opportunities to participate in meaningful day activities and various community activities. To the extent that they are capable, residents take part in the day-to-day upkeep of their homes by doing household chores, as well as preparing meals for themselves and their housemates. Each resident has their own bedroom.
Charles Road, also in Shelby, was built in 2009 with one 3 bedroom and two 2 bedroom apartments. The residents that live in these apartments receive 24 hoursstaff support. Staff is available on-site 24–hours a day to provide each individual supports as needed. Residents take part in the day-to-day upkeep of their homes by doing household chores, as well as preparing meals for themselves and their housemates. Each resident has his own bedroom. They also have the opportunity to participate in meaningful day activities such as employment, volunteering, continuing educations and day activity programming.
Air Park C located in Morganton and provides housing for four residents. Residents receive 24 hour staffing support with opportunities to participate in a day program. They may need support with personal care, eating, behavioral and leisure activites.
Family Living/Alternative Family Living (AFL)
Available in Caldwell, Burke, Catawba, Alexander, McDowell, Lincoln, Gaston and Cleveland Counties.
Family Living/Alternative Family Living (AFL) is a service in which a child or adult, resides with an individual or family other than their own. A supportive, therapeutic relationship is established between the provider/caregiver and the individual that addresses their basic living, socialization, and skilled learning needs. Assistance is given to prepare participants to live as independently as possible. The service also focuses on assisting individuals in becoming connected to naturally occurring support systems and relationships in the community to provide and enhance opportunities for meaningful community participation.
ComServ, Inc. can develop and support Family Living/AFL homes in Caldwell, Burke, Catawba, Alexander, McDowell, Lincoln, Gaston and Cleveland counties. The service is provided to individuals ages 12 and over. Funding is typically available through the Innovations waiver (Medicaid).
All of ComServ's residential services are designed to assist individulas to live productive, active and fulfilling lives.
For additional information regarding Residential Options:
Gastonia Office 980-320-1753
Morganton Office 828-438-6026
“If there’s any message to my work, it’s ultimately that it’s OK to be different, that it’s good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different or is a different color.” — Johnny Depp, Actor